
The AusMap plugin can be extended with additional map layers for easy access.
The map layers must be saved in a Layer Definition File (.QLR).

The .QLR file must match the AusMap menu layout, meaning that the map layers must be grouped into one or more categories.

See the example below.


The Additional layers are grouped into two categories.

Grouped map layers

Save the layers in a .QLR file by selecting the groups, right-clicking, and choosing Export > Save as Layer Definition File.

Save QLR

Navigate to the AusMap page in the Options dialog (Settings > Options > AusMap), select the .QLR file from your local machine and click OK.

AusMap options dialog

The additional map layers will now appear in their respective groups inside the AusMap menu.

Custom layers in menu

To remove the layers from the menu, go back to the Options dialog, delete the file path and save.